Audio Book For Children

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Coriander, I - Sally Gardner - Audio Book

Coriander, I - Sally Gardner : I am Coriander Hobie. I was born in the year of Our Lord 1643, the only child of Thomas and Eleanor Hobie, in our great house on the River Thames in London. Of my early years I remember only happiness. That was before I knew this world had such evil in it, and that my fate was to be locked up in a chest and left to die.

This is my story. This is my life. I looked back into the bedchamber. The floor had become a sea and the bed a ship, seen from a great distance. I could hear voices calling me from Jar away. It was an image that came to haunt me, and I have often wondered what would have happened if I had done as I was told and left the silver shoes alone.

Oh yes ! If we only did as we were told do you think we would be where we are now?

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